Hiten Shah

Co-founder of @usefyi and @producthabits with @MarieProkopets. Past: @crazyegg & KISSmetrics.

All Episodes
The Usual SaaS-pects with Ch Daniel
The Usual SaaS-pects with Ch Daniel
???? 9. Hiten Shah (Nira.com)

Their bio (from the AmA post)

I’m Hiten, @hnshah on Twitter. Signed up for Twitter in 2006, lucky to be in the first batch of 5,000 users. I tweet about growing startups into businesses and the occasional gif or meme. (example)

Founded three SaaS startups (Crazy Egg, KISSmetics, and now Nira), 150+ startup investments, many failed SaaS products, 18 years later, ask me literally anything about SaaS.

My biggest monetary failure: Back in the early 2000s I lost $1 million trying to start a SaaS company that never ended up launching.

I created a product management course while building Nira with my co-founder. We used to charge $1,600 for it. If you ask me a question, direct message (DM) me, I’ll give you an account at no cost to you.

Fun fact about me: I’m obsessed with finding the best content on the Internet using Google. So, I might reply to your question(s) with my favorite link that has the answer.

Pro tip: Search my tweets using Google. Use this Google search and replace [fill in the blank] with your startup question or related keywords. This trick can be used for any account on Twitter.



Reddit SaaS: https://www.reddit.com/r/saas

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/chddaniel

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