Hiten Shah

Co-founder of @usefyi and @producthabits with @MarieProkopets. Past: @crazyegg & KISSmetrics.

All Episodes
518: Reinvention Causes Everything to Thrive

In today’s episode of The Startup Chat, Steli and Hiten talk about how reinvention causes everything to thrive.

People or companies might seek to reinvent themselves or change the way they do things, and most of the time, this can be a good thing. However, a lot of the times, people think that for you to reinvent yourself, something has to be destroyed. While this is true in some cases, it doesn’t always have to be.

In this week’s episode, Steli and Hiten talk about reinvention versus destruction, one beautiful thing about the USA, how reinvention can cause hardship and much more.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

00:00 About today’s topic.

00:31 Why this topic was chosen.

01:07 Reinvention versus destruction.

02:24 One beautiful thing about the USA.

04:01 How reinvention can cause hardship.

05:13 How more American companies go through reinvention.

05:47 Why Hiten wrote this tweet.

06:01 How America has always been about reinvention.

06:23 What destruction is about.

07:19 What causes things to survive and thrive.

3 Key Points:

I don’t think destruction is always required for reinvention.Reinvention is such an interesting concept.It is not easy to reinvent yourself.

Steli Efti : Hey everybody, this is Steli Efti.
Hiten Shah: And this is Hiten Shah. And today on The Startup Chat, we’re going to talk about something I… Popped in my head and I tweeted. And the statement is, “Reinvention is what causes everything to thrive.” And for me, just to lay it out real quick, this comes from the fact that many folks think about destruction, or destroying things, in order to build them up again, or start fresh. And I feel like that’s a very… Has a lot of negative connotations and can probably bring up a lot of things that prevent people from thinking about how to change and adapt. I truly do believe that is how you thrive. And when I think about it like that, I think the right word is reinvention, versus destruction, or versus tearing things down. Because I don’t think, that is always required for reinvention. Maybe it is sometimes, but our worldview, I believe, which is healthier, should be oriented around, at least my worldview, I prefer being oriented around reinventing the things I’m working on. My business, my product, my marketing, my sales, whatever. Myself. Over thinking of it as rebirth, which is what a lot of other folks sometimes call some of this stuff. So anyway, I know you wanted to talk about it Steli, because you saw it amongst the things I tweeted recently.
Steli Efti : This is one of the new format that we’ve established this year, which is, Hiten tweet episode, which is when I see a tweet of yours and I’m like, “I wonder why he tweeted that. This interesting thing. Let’s talk about it.” Which is what we would do if we met up for coffee today, I’d be like, “I saw this tweet of yours. What was up with that? That’s an interesting thought.” I think reinvention is just such an interesting concept. See, I thought about it very differently, because I didn’t have the context. But to me, one thing that I’ve always been explaining to Europeans, about one of the greatest things about the US to me, and the US has a lot of bad things about it, and I talk about that as well with people, but the one beautiful thing that I find in the US to be more true than in any other place that I’ve ever lived or visited, is this belief in the individual, and the belief in the power of reinvention for the individual, right?
Hiten Shah: Yes.
Steli Efti : So you can be anything and everything you want to be. And there’s no expiration date to that.
Hiten Shah: Right.
Steli Efti : There is none. You could be 60 years old, your whole life you were an accountant and you now want to be an actor.

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