Hiten Shah

Co-founder of @usefyi and @producthabits with @MarieProkopets. Past: @crazyegg & KISSmetrics.

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Building Companies, Building Companies, and Building Companies: Hiten Shah of FYI

“Hunt for a problem worth solving, and then solve it better than anything else on the market.”

*— Hiten Shah (Co-Founder & CEO at FYI)*

Today’s guest is Hiten Shah ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/hnshah/ ) , Co-Founder & CEO at FYI ( https://usefyi.com/ ) , long-time serial founder and investor (120+ investments to date). Hiten has been in the profession of building companies since 2013— pioneering technology solutions in the analytics space that are easy-to-use and intuitive. First, with Crazy Egg, then with KISSmetrics, and now, with FYI.

*In this interview, Hiten shares some great insights into problem-hunting, product-development, and the performance psychology behind ‘0 to 1.’* Throughout this interview, you will experience his deeply empathetic, humble, and more importantly, engaging approach to company-building! Especially if you possess the ‘born to build’ mentality that so many great founders have!

“This is one big problem we see founders do: preventing the thing (problem) next time is not as important as solving the thing first. Especially with a big problem!”

*— Hiten Shah (Co-Founder & CEO at FYI)*


* Problem-hunting— go where most don’t, and out-solution those who are there!
* The 5-Day MVP rule
* Solving big problems faster!
* Don’t understand something? Start with context!
* Controlling how you respond to what happens.
* Solving for the future, not recreating the past.

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