Ben Tossell


All Episodes
Episode #40 – Geoff Roberts – Outseta

Geoff Roberts is the co-founder of Outseta, a tool which combines multiple different types of functionality into one platform allowing you to launch your project faster.

Otuseta brings together Billing, CRM, Email, Help Desk and Authentication into one place.

In this discussion Tom and Geoff talk about:

Why he built Outseta 1m 50seconds
How using multiple different tools can become painful 3m 55seconds
How he got into the no-code space 6m 13seconds
What no-code is and how it’s changing 8m 48seconds
Where no-code is going 11m 20seconds
Addressing the question of scaling 12m 56seconds
Lessons to be learnt from traditional software engineering inc version control 15m 07seconds
What’s missing in the space 16m 52seconds
Bootstrapping vs Raising Venture Capital 19m 18seconds
New Funding Models 26m 02seconds
The Tools Outseta replaces 27m 51 seconds
Time vs Money Saved 32m 24seconds
Remote Working with Twins 40m 33seconds
What he would build if he wasn’t building Outseta 50m 10seconds
What is he most excited about? 51:47seconds

We hope you enjoy this conversation.

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