Sagi Eliyahu

Founder and CEO @tonkean

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In Chat with Sagi Eliyahu (CoFounder at Tonkean) With Pramod Dhakal ( Hitechies)

In this episode of the Hitechies Podcast Pramod Dhakal(Hitechies) Talks to Sagi Eliyahu who is the cofounder at Tonkean

Experience in numerous engineering and leadership roles at IDF-8200, startup and enterprise companies. Proven track record of successfully building and managing R&D teams, from a handful to dozens of employees across multiple locations and time zones, and developing innovative technology solutions from ideation to mass adoption.

Right now is a crucial time for us to decide what should and shouldn’t be automated. Tonkean’s co-founder Sagi Eliyahu believes that we should answer that question by focusing on helping people instead of only caring about efficiency gains.

Tonkean is the operating system for business operations, a no-code platform that enables operations teams and IT to rapidly increase efficiency of their processes while minimizing change management. Business operations teams are using Tonkean to improve key cross-functional operational metrics like revenue velocity, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

Tonkean allows ops teams to rapidly deploy solutions that orchestrate dynamic, human-centric processes without introducing new tools or interfaces. With 1000+ connectors to existing enterprise systems, like CRM, HRIS, ERP and ticketing systems, and to communication tools like email, MS Teams and Slack, Tonkean manages, monitors, and accelerates business operations without forcing people to change their behavior.

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