Vinay Patankar

Co-Founder & CEO @ProcessStreet

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Leaders of B2B - Interviews on B2B Leadership, Tech, SaaS, Revenue, Sales, Marketing and Growth
Leaders of B2B - Interviews on B2B Leadership, Tech, SaaS, Revenue, Sales, Marketing and Growth
Processes & Project Management with Vinay Patankar of Process Street

This episode features the journey of a startup visionary and goes into the inner workings of a platform many startups and companies are familiar with.

Vinay Patankar, Co-founder and CEO of Process Street, a process and workflow SaaS platform that has grown and received generous funding to grow, guests in this podcast. Process Street has contributed to the transformation of the world’s working economy towards a remote model.

Vinay talks about how his personality has taken him to many cities and many companies. He also elaborates how his nomadic lifestyle prompted the idea for Process Street.

The conversation goes deeper into how processes, projects and their management can exponentiate your business’ growth when you know how to empower people using technology.

Any startup founder or company working with multiple teams, especially remote ones, on processes will find this video very insightful and educational.

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