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As an NCAA athlete, Tessa was always focused on her health and wellness throughout her life but it was after her athletic career that she decided to try out sharing this passion with others. Throughout this interview Tessa shares with listeners how she transitioned from being coached to becoming a coach and the three things…

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Episode 409 – Three Things You Need To Be a Successful Coach Today: Interview with Tessa Thomas

The Inside Scoop with Anytime Soccer Training - Discussing Youth Soccer from Around the World

Interview with Tessa Thomas – Founder and CEO of Recruit-HQ

November 6, 2020


Tessa Thomas

Swimming and ice-skating! You don't hear those two sports mentioned in the same sentence often! A few weeks ago, I sat down with Tessa Thomas Founder & CEO of Recruit-HQ to learn more about her journey from Canada to Winthrop University in Rockhill SC!!! To my PARENT/TRAINERS, I also probed deeply into her childhood to…

ATG: Unplugged Podcast

Tessa Thomas

November 5, 2020


Tessa Thomas

This week we get to know Tessa Thomas the founder of Recruit HQ which helps high school athletes learn about life in college athletics!

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