1 Metric That Reveals If Your Page Is Actually Converting #1656

1 Metric That Reveals If Your Page Is Actually Converting

In episode #1656, we give you the metric you should consult to check if your page is converting or not. Conversion rates are important but they don’t give you an accurate picture of whether your business is making money. That is why we choose to look at a metric called ARPU, or average revenue per user, instead. Tune in to learn why this metric is important and how can optimize it as well.


  • [00:25] Today’s topic: 1 Metric That Reveals If Your Page Is Actually Converting.
  • [00:29] Why conversion rates are relative thus not fully truthful.
  • [00:49] Rather assess how much revenue you are generating per visitor.
  • [01:35] Different ways to use to increase your average revenue per user.
  • [02:02] Find purchasing objections customers have, and answer them.
  • [02:18] The relationship between price, conversions, and profitability.
  • [02:35] You can close deals using DMs too.
  • [03:27] That is it for today.
  • [03:28] Go to levelingup.com to check out Eric’s new book!

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