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14????️ Growing on Youtube, Content Creation, Metaverse and NFT's???? | Ishan Sharma | 295K+ Subscribers

In this long-awaited episode, Ishan joins me to talk about his incredible growth as a Youtuber gaining 295K subscribers, becoming the top Python Programming educator on Unacademy, content creation, Metaverse, NFT’s and a lot more!

I started my own Youtube and podcasting journey after consuming a lot of his content and I have learnt a great deal from Ishan about technology, freelancing, content creation, investing and more.

Here is his channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/IshanSharma739

Ishan Sharma is a well known YouTube Creator with over 295K subscribers and 21M video views. He makes freelancing, career and tech-related content for students. He also had the chance to host Ankur Warikoo and Noah Kagan his channel and is the Co-Founder of MarkitUp Media, a content marketing agency.

Link to my socials????

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesuryapas…

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/surya-pas…

Music????: https://www.bensound.com/

#ishansharma #markitup #contentcreation #podcasting #entrepreneurship #youtube #creatoreconomy #contentcreator #freelancing #metaverse #nfts #bitcoin #blockchain

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