Fox Across America w/ Jimmy Failla
Fox Across America w/ Jimmy Failla
Booker Vs. Scott On Police Reform & How Can The Democrats Fix The Border

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, former NYPD Lt. Darrin Porcher talks about the debate between Senators Tim Scott & Cory Booker on police reform and Democratic strategist Kevin Walling talks about how President Biden and Vice President Harris plan to fix the crisis at the border.

[00:00:00] Dave in Ohio

[00:02:22] DHS Won’t Take Blame For Border

[00:18:37] Kamila Says Slavery

[00:20:44] Booker Vs. Scott On Police

[00:35:41] Police and Border Patrol Agents

[00:39:04] Former NYPD Lt. Darrin Porcher

[00:55:34] NYC Football Stinks

[00:57:24] Democrats Spending Trillions

[01:12:14] Biden Gets The Booster

[01:15:46] Democratic Strategist Kevin Walling

[01:32:49] 2:56 pm – Fox Across America

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