Volume Up by The Tease
Volume Up by The Tease
Celebrating Intl Women's Day with Michelle Chandler, GM of Pravana

Interview with Michelle Chandler, General Manager of Pravana
Michelle Chandler’s career in the professional beauty industry began in 2002 – with her experience spanning across both distribution and manufacturing. She joined PRAVANA in 2006, and as Senior Vice President of Sales and Education, and in the fall of 2017, Chandler was appointed General Manager of PRAVANA and has led the brand into its new chapter under Henkel Beauty Care.
PRAVANA has since been awarded Henkel Beauty Care’s Brand of the Year, and continues to rise even through the challenges faced in current times.
Michelle’s experience within the professional beauty industry, her understanding and compassion for the stylist and consistent drive to create products and solutions that empower and upskill them to be their best selves are just a few of ways that she inspires and leads her organization to success.
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