SALT Talks
SALT Talks
Chamath Palihapitiya: The State of Venture Capital | SALT Talks #2

Chamath Palihapitiya is the CEO of Social Capital, Chairman of Virgin Galactic, and owner of the Golden State Warriors.

Chamath believes there is a dispersion occurring in both the public and private markets between the “have’s” and the “have-nots.” The cycle of building a company and profiting from it is broken, as it now takes too long to see a profit. Politically, he believes there will be a change of the guard come 2024. “Politically, this is the last gasp for Boomers.” There will be new alternatives on both sides but in general, there will be a shift to the left. Things like higher education cannot become akin to luxury goods.


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Moderated by Anthony Scaramucci.

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