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It’s that time of year again! I round up my favorite media and tech picks of 2020 – but this year I’m doing it a little differently. Over on Casabona.org, I’ve written blog posts for the past several years, but I’ve never recorded my thoughts. So this year, along with a blog post, I decided to do a podcast episode too – this lets me ramble a little more and add some thoughts on 2021. I hope you enjoy!
Show Notes and Picks
- Tech Pick: Elgato Stream Deck
- How I Configured my Stream Deck
- Honorable Mentions: iPad Magic Keyboard, Kindle Oasis, Drums
- App: Milanote
- What I’m Using
- Testing Out Milanote for Research
- Honorable Mentions: eCamm Live, iOS 14
- Thing I Learned: How to hire more
- I’ve Been Hiring A Lot
- Brittney Lynn
- Honorable Mention: marketing messaging, PR outreach
- Book: The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger
- My 2020 Goodreads Reading Challenge
- Honorable Mention: Marketing Made Simple, Dooku: Jedi Lost
- TV Show: Ted Lasso
- Honorable Mention: The Mandalorian (again)
- All the Disney Investor Day Announcements
- Music: First to Eleven, Lewis Capaldi
- Movie: Hamilton
- Podcast: Advisory Opinions
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