Fox Across America w/ Jimmy Failla
Fox Across America w/ Jimmy Failla
Fox Across America - 11-29-2021

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Representative Ralph Norman weighs in on the new set of travel ban hypocrisy and the economy … PLUS Fox News Contributor Jason Chaffetz gives his take on Pete Buttigieg’s plan to ease gas prices and supply.

[00:00:00] New COVID Variant “Omicron” Renews International Concern

[00:15:44] Fauci Shows True Colors

[00:18:23] Biden COVID Report Card: More Deaths than Trump

[00:36:01] Changing Standards of Travel Bans

[00:36:47] Travel Ban Hypocrisy and Hunter Biden Laptop

[00:51:59] Maskless Biden

[00:55:09] Representative Ralph Norman

[01:10:12] Is Biden Already a Lame Duck? Psaki Says He’ll

[01:13:29] New Information: Hunter Biden Laptop

[01:29:19] Forget Gas Prices, Buy Electric Vehicals

[01:31:53] Jason Chaffetz, Fox News Contributor

[01:45:33] 2:53 pm – Fox Across America

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