Interview with Kenny Duncan, Andis Company
Kenny Duncan is a master barber, celebrity groomer, co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex salon and a U.S. lead educator for Andis company. He is constantly looking for what he can do beyond the scope of barbershops and salons. He covers through his personal journey, his business journey during COVID, his campaign appearance and his Andis journey, including Fluid 2.
Duncan explains how his journey began in sixth grade. He takes us through turning a side job into a career, how he found out exactly what his niche was in the field, and how he rose into the celebrity grooming.
Duncan discusses the launch of Fluid 2, focusing on developing education around hair as well as giving a little bit of hair history.
“I started getting paid to be in places that people pay to be or be in”
“Did I see all this in the beginning? No. Did I want to be a barber in the beginning? No. But I can tell you now, I’m glad it chose me.”
“When you surround yourself with a great success cluster, you have no choice but to become successful too.”
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