Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
How Email Marketing Will Change In 2021 #1665

How Email Marketing Will Change in 2021

In episode #1665, we will talk about how email marketing will change in 2021. We have already begun to see added functionality in emails as far as being able to sell or purchase products from within the email itself. As far as newsletters, we believe that bundled subscriptions will emerge due to the benefits they provide to both writers and audiences. Tune in to learn more!


  • [00:25] Today’s topic: How Email Marketing Will Change in 2021.
  • [00:27] The ability to sell or purchase products from within an email.
  • [01:58] Bundled subscriptions that will emerge in the newsletter space.
  • [02:51] That’s it for today!
  • [02:52] Go to to sign up for a 14 day trial for only $1.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:





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