How to Absolutely Crush 2022 #1962

In episode #1962, we tell you how to crush 2022, absolutely! Visualization, focus, and hard work are some of the ingredients of success, so we recommend that you set one main goal for the entire year and put all of your energy into accomplishing it. Tune in and learn about how to find that one goal you should set for yourself so that you can triple down on it and reap the rewards.


  • [00:20] Today’s topic: How to Absolutely Crush 2022.
  • [00:47] Why Eric likes to set one overarching goal for a new year.
  • [01:46] Neil’s thoughts on how to find the best goal to set.
  • [02:27] Tripling down on the thing that is working well.
  • [03:32] Making sacrifices in the present that pave the way for the future.
  • [03:56] That’s it for today!
  • [03:57] Don’t forget to rate and review this podcast!

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