How to Stand Out on Social Media in 2021 #1677

In episode #1677, we talk about how to stand out on social media in 2021. While trends always change and people keep finding new ways to go viral, the basic principle of zigging where others zag is still as relevant as ever. Tune in and hear about how to stay cutting edge and agile while continuing to bring in the views and likes.


  • [00:25] Today’s topic: How To Stand Out on Social Media in 2021.
  • [00:37] How trends change and the value of zigging while others zag.
  • [01:17] Look for what is doing well and latch onto that type of content.
  • [02:18] How this podcast has differentiated itself.
  • [02:45] Jumping onto platforms while they are still young.
  • [03:38] Bringing back older trends that end up functioning like new ones.
  • [03:53] That’s it for today!
  • [03:54] Go to for a free, 14-day trial of our community.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Gary V

Chris Do

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