Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Is a LinkedIn Following Worth Chasing? #1871

In episode #1871, Neil and Eric talk about whether it is worth chasing a LinkedIn following or not. Of course, numbers matter to a degree, but they might not be as important as you think. Tune in today to hear it all!


  • [00:25] Today’s topic: Is a LinkedIn Following Worth Chasing?
  • [00:27] Unless you’re going after B2B or enterprise, follower numbers don’t matter that much.
  • [01:31] It comes back to the marketing basics; go where your audience hangs out.
  • [02:22] Consistency is the most important thing.
  • [02:39] Smart ways to grow your LinkedIn following.
  • [03:29] Where Neil is putting his focus at the moment.
  • [03:00] That’s it for today!
  • [04:38] To stay updated with events and learn more about our mastermind, go to the Marketing School site for more information or call us on 310-349-3785!

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