Is SEO Dying in 2021? #1695

Is SEO Dying in 2021?

In episode #1695, we explore the topic of SEO in 2021, asking whether it still works as well as it always has. While many large companies are still reaping huge profits from their SEO strategies, it is getting harder and harder for newer companies to play this game. Nevertheless, if you have the capital and are prepared to play the long game, you will still do well using SEO. Tune in to learn more.


  • [00:29] Today’s topic: Is SEO Dying in 2021?
  • [00:30] Many believe that SEO is dead, but are they right?
  • [00:56] SEO is harder for newer companies, but it does well long-term.
  • [01:30] Findings of AJ Kohn’s survey on SEO.
  • [02:33] Buying websites that are under-monetized and taking advantage of SEO.
  • [03:07] If you have no resources, start where organic reach is strong
  • [03:54] That is it for today!
  • [03:55] Go to to learn more about our free community.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Eric Siu on Pomp Podcast

AJ Kohn on Twitter

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