Leveling Up with Eric Siu
Leveling Up with Eric Siu
Launchpad Business Case Study: Using One Business To Scale Into Multiple Businesses

Launchpad Business Case Study: Using One Business To Scale Into Multiple Businesses

A launchpad business can be any business without a lot of overhead, where you can use the capital gains to scale into multiple other businesses. Today, we speak with Ben Schneider, CEO, and Founder of Jobmofy, who is doing just that. He tells us about Jobmofy, a premium job platform for remote employees that has made more than €10 million in sales from Facebook ads. He explains what led him to start this business, how its security features make it different from other job platforms, and how it generates income in a number of different ways. He also shares how the business is entirely self-funded from his other businesses. Find out how to know when you’re earning enough to scale into a new business venture and how Ben manages his different businesses in today’s bonus episode!


  • [00:15] Introduction to Ben Schneider, CEO, and Founder of Jobmofy.
  • [01:09] How Jobmofy is different from other job platforms: its security features.
  • [03:27] 95 percent of people on other job platforms aren’t verified and therefore not trustworthy.
  • [04:02] Ben’s story of being hacked by a developer, which is what lead him to start Jobmofy.
  • [05:22] The different ways that Jobmofy generates income.
  • [06:19] Insight into Jobmofy’s revenue and growth rates since launching.
  • [07:19] How Jobmofy is entirely remote and 100 percent self-funded.
  • [08:28] Ben and Eric discuss launchpad businesses: how do you know when it is time to scale into something new?
  • [10:32] How Ben runs his businesses as CEO and Founder, and how his executive teams are structured.
  • [12:01] The two perspectives in building a business: be very involved like Ben or hire other people and be less involved like Andrew Wilkinson.
  • [12:46] Business trends that Ben is excited about: remote working, recruiting, and e-commerce.
  • [13:50] Ben’s favorite business book and business tool.

Resources From The Interview:

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