Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Should You Micromanage Your Consultants? #1632

If You Should Micromanage Your Consultants

In episode #1632, we speak about whether you should micromanage your consultants. The general agreement when it comes to HR is that one should not micromanage, but the truth s that there are some contexts in which it can’t be avoided. Tune in to learn more about how budget, time, risk, and more can factor into your decision to micromanage your consultants or not.


[00:25] Today’s topic: If You Should Micromanage Your Consultants.

[00:31] What we mean by micromanaging.

[01:01] It depends on how fast you want something done.

[02:05] If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

[02:53] Weighing up the risk of the task with the skill of the consultant.

[03:40] That’s it for today!

[03:41] To stay updated with events and learn more about our mastermind, go to the Marketing School site for more information or call us on 310-349-3785!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Paul Graham

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