25th Hour Ideas
25th Hour Ideas
Talking Discourse with Jonathan Stern (#019)

Jonathan Stern is the Co-founder of Pairagraph, a platform for written dialogue between pairs of individuals. They have already hosted over 100 dialogues, with contributors like Howard Marks, Balaji Srinivasan, Joe Lonsdale, Robert Shiller, and Russ Roberts.

This is a fantastic conversation where I learned a lot from Jonathan about the state of discourse, the pursuit of truth, and thinking about what the future will look like.

Timestamps (approximate):
(1:00) Pairagraph’s mission, and the problems with current discourse
(5:20) Dialogue on Twitter
(12:00) Benefits of market prices
(16:00) Constructive disagreements and the pursuit of truth
(18:00) Starting from 0, and another Mark Cuban story
(25:20) Partnering with Newsweek
(29:30) Expanding from the traditional format, and the benefits of the written word
(37:00) Our cultural tastes
(41:00) 25th hour

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