Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
The Biggest SEO Opportunity You’re Missing #1774

In episode #1774, we talk about the biggest SEO opportunity you are missing. When it comes to SEO, people typically believe that ranking high is a matter things like of backlinks, keywords, and on-page errors. It is easy to get so obsessed with optimizing for these features that you miss the main aim: solving the client’s problem!


  • [00:25] Today’s topic: The Biggest SEO Opportunity You’re Missing.
  • [00:27] People want to easily find the solution to a problem they search Google for.
  • [01:12] Typical SEO features like backlinks catch the attention of algorithms but not people.
  • [01:42] Solving people’s problems is the real key to ranking high on Google.
  • [02:04] The mistakes Eric made early on.
  • [02:47] Approaching SEO from a customer-centric mindset.
  • [04:10] Go to to hang out with Neil and Eric in September.

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