Fox Across America w/ Jimmy Failla
Fox Across America w/ Jimmy Failla
Victor Davis Hanson Sees A "Revolt" Against The Left & Rep. Byron Donalds On Biden's "Gaslighting"

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) talks about the trillion-dollar spending bill and parents being called “domestic terrorists” & author Of “The Dying Citizen” Victor Davis Hanson discusses the lengths the left will go to seize power while turning a blind eye to the revolt coming in 2022 at the voting booth.

[00:00:00] Biden Gets Booed In Michigan

[00:13:36] Where Are The Trillions Coming From?

[00:18:18] How Vaccine Mandates Work

[00:34:29] Texas HS Shooting Update

[00:36:39] Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL)

[00:53:24] Urban Meyer Jokes

[00:55:03] John Kerry Says Biden Doesn’t Know Stuff

[01:09:25] No Idea About Subs?

[01:13:22] “Domestic Terrorists” At School Board Meetings

[01:28:19] How Racism Plays For The Democrats

[01:31:42] Author Of “The Dying Citizen” Victor Davis Hanson

[01:48:35] 2:56 pm – Fox Across America

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