Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Why Eric is Choosing to Focus On This One Thing for November #1908

In episode #1908, we talk about the one thing that your host, Eric Siu, is choosing to focus on for the rest of the year: culture, community, and communication! Eric believes that these three C’s are the glue that holds a company together and in today’s episode, he shares his advice and some helpful resources for hiring the right people to build and maintain company culture and the different ways in which you can measure success. Tune in today to learn more!


  • [00:20] Today’s topic: Why Eric is Choosing to Focus on This One Thing for November.
  • [00:39] The three C’s that hold a company together: culture, community, and communication
  • [01:50] Why you have to hire the right people to build and maintain company culture.
  • [02:19] How to measure success; keeping non-regrettable employee loss below 10 percent and scoring high on employee MPS surveys.
  • [03:20] Eric’s advice: study top CEOs and read Let My People Go Surfing.
  • [04:03] That’s it for today!
  • [04:27] To stay updated with events and learn more about our mastermind, go to the Marketing School site for more information or call us on 310-349-3785!

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