Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips
You’ve Reached $1M in Revenue, Who Should You Hire? #1905

In episode #1905, Neil and Eric talk about who you should hire when you’ve reached $1M in revenue. If you’ve reached a six-figure income, congratulations! Scaling up from here will mean making various, detailed improvements to different parts of your operations. To learn more about how a new hire can speed up this process, tune in today!


  • [00:20] Today’s topic: You’ve Reached $1M in Revenue, Who Should You Hire?
  • [00:34] Why your new hire should be geared towards operations.
  • [01:04] The concept of the visionary and an integrator in business.
  • [01:48] Why visionaries need a detail-oriented integrator to take their operations to the next level.
  • [02:40] Hiring an operations employee will help you scale up faster.
  • [02:51] That’s it for today!
  • [03:01] To stay updated with events and learn more about our mastermind, go to the Marketing School site for more information or call us on 310-349-3785!

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