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The teaching profession may be in line for some help from federal lawmakers.Congresswoman Lori Trahan, a guest earlier this week on WHAV’s morning show, is in Washington for the introduction of a bill that would authorize $6 billion in spending programs, including teacher residencies, to help support teachers during the coronavirus pandemic. Trahan describes what…

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Encouraging and Rewarding Teachers Aim of U.S. Rep. Trahan’s Proposed STRONG Act

The teaching profession may be in line for some help from federal lawmakers.Congresswoman Lori Trahan, a guest earlier this week on WHAV’s morning show, is in Washington for the introduction of a bill that would authorize $6 billion in spending programs, including teacher residencies, to help support teachers during the coronavirus pandemic. Trahan describes what…

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Encouraging and Rewarding Teachers Aim of U.S. Rep. Trahan’s Proposed STRONG Act
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