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131 - Voter Fraud And Ballot Harvesting Scandals - Debate Prep

131 – Welcome to the Republic Keeper Broadcast

  • Moderator control / help
  1. Biden “sharpness” especially the last 30 minutes
  2. Personal Attacks
  3. Trump Surprise Audience members/attendees
  • Momentum / Who is on defense? How do they handle it?
  • Chris Wallace – “Sir” that’s his challenge tell
  • Debate Questions
    1. Joe Biden
      1. You’ve been critical of the Trump administrations handing of the coronavirus, what specifically would you have done differently and how would that have impacted the death toll?
      2. Have we shut down too little or too much?
  • How would you have handled the violent riots over George Floyd differently than the Trump administration?
  1. Why have you objected to Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination even before hearings? Is there something in her judicial record that is troubling or is it something else?
  2. What is the Trump administration’s biggest missed opportunity in Foreign Policy.
  3. You’re on the record saying you never discussed your son’s business dealings with him, yet he was traveling with you on Air Force Two to conduct business on those trips, some 400 of them and you were introducing him to dignitaries who became clients of Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Do you want to stick by your statements.
  • Which taxes would you raise, by how much?
  • Some of the president’s financial information has been released. Does the president represent a blackmail risk as some have claimed?
  1. Your partner in the last administration received a Nobel Peace prize, can you tell us which peace treaty the Obama/Biden administration was involved in that resulted in that award?
  2. The President has been nominated for 3 Nobel Peace prizes for his work in Kosovo, UAE and Bahrain. Do you think that Mr. Trump should or should not receive one or all of these awards and why?
  3. You were in the room on January 5th 2017 when the decision was made to go after Flynn. You had said you don’t recall anything being discussed, but the record shows you suggested the Logan act and also that you personally unmasked Gen Flynn. Did you or Barack Obama direct Jim Comey’s FBI to re-open Razor?
  1. Trump
    1. You have made much of your business acumen as a reason to trust you on the economy. Now we have an economy in shambles and we learn that your finances may not be what they’re cracked up to be. Why should Americans still trust you with the economy?
    2. Warfare is getting sneakier. The next war is as likely to be fought in cyberspace as in real space. As the Church Committee declared in 1976 secrets and democracy are incompatible. You’ve seen now the awesome powers of the NSA and our agencies, how do we balance the need for espionage in the name of national defense and prevent abuses like what happened to Carter Page?
  • You’ve consistently attacked Joe on his supposed dementia, you suggested he might be on drugs, you tweeted that Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib two American born congresswomen should go back to where they came from, you retweeted a “white power” sign and then deleted the tweet and have also retweeted Q-anon info. Do you see why some say you are contributing to the coarseness of our politics which for many makes it exhausting and for voters concerned about that can you offer any reason to expect anything different?
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