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Democrats And Republicans Prepare For Battle Over Supreme Court Vacancy

As Washington mourns the tragic passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this past week, Democrats and Republicans are gearing up for the battle to come over filling this Supreme Court vacancy. Editor and CEO of The Dispatch, Stephen Hayes, joins The Fox News Rundown to discuss Republican leadership’s goal to push a Supreme Court nomination through the Senate, the impact of President Trump’s intentions to nominate a female judge, the options Joe Biden and the Democrats have for this contingency and how the Supreme Court vacancy will influence both the presidential and congressional elections in November.

The bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus unveiled its $1.5 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill last week in hopes to bring both Republican and Democratic leadership back to the negotiating table following last week’s rejection of the Senate Republicans’ COVID-19 proposal. Jared Halpern spoke to three members of the caucus, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) and Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) about what’s included in the common ground proposal, how it will impact the deficit and if they are satisfied with the overall negotiations between their party’s leadership.

Plus, commentary by Former Director of the CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden.

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