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I want to acknowledge this conversation to say this conversation was supposed to be responding to the second, town hall style presidential debate between President Trump and Vice President Joe Biden. However, after the president hosted a superspreader COVID-19 event, was diagnosed with COVID-19 himself, and had a healthy amount of his advisors and high ranking members of the administration also be diagnosed with COVID-19, Trump backed out of the debate once it was announced it would be virtual. So instead, we will be having a conversation about the other host of things happening in the world– including the attempted kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the Supreme Court hearings, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi hinting around some options with the 25th amendment. I will note that today’s panel is all men, which is by no means intentional or an attempt to limit voices. Chalk it up to the scheduling and be sure I will do my best to make sure it never happens again. All opinions on this episode are a reflection of the individual and not their employer.

AJ Simonton is a graduate of Morehouse College and Notre Dame Law School and an attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Laurence Hull is a native of Great Britain and graduate of Morehouse College and Harvard Law School and a practicing attorney in Washington, DC.

William Brummett is is a graduate of Elon University and received his Masters at Carson Newman University. He serves as the Program Manager for the Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service at George Washington University.

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