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I’ve got an important message today for you: We MUST take our country back — away from the mob rule that is increasingly endangering the lives of our police officers, and endangering our communities. Violence is NEVER the answer. The main-stream media tries to justify the violence, but we cannot allow them. This is a dangerous time.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden must answer some serious questions surrounding the alleged corruption of his family members as it pertains to the allegations of multi-million dollar payments made by Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs to his son, while he was the Vice President in charge of Ukraine policy. A Senate investigation into Hunter Biden’s dealings with the Russians and Ukrainians reveals serious conflicts of interests… concerns that the Obama administration ignored!

Also today, the left wants you to believe it is Donald Trump that is undermining our system of government by trying to “steal” the election…I have the real answer on who is trying to do that.

Plus, Gavin Newsom has grand plans to put the oil companies and car manufacturers out of business. Join me in our fight for FREEDOM. Download and subscribe to the podcast today!

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