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Episode 28: “Dueling Debates and Dual Realities”

Friday, October 16th. 18 days till ED.

Joe takes us through the day’s polls, with Biden showing leads in key swing states, even in Republican leaning polls.

Richard takes us through the dueling Town Hall events for Trump and Biden. Joe Biden’s ABC telecast racked up higher ratings than Trump did on NBC, CNBC and MSNBC combined!

Joe takes us through why the Affordable Care Act is called Obamacare, why it included an individual mandate, and the real reason Republicans oppose the law.

“Three Questions” discusses the Trump leaving the country after the election, and more!

GOP Sen. Ben Sasse is caught on tape bashing the President.

Richard and Joe’s Trump book “Fishbowl 45: The Unpresidented Parody” is available on Amazon/Kindle B&N/Nook and Apple Books.

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