Ward Sandler

Co-founder of @memberspace

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#117 - Ward Sandler - Helping businesses maximize membership options

Ward Sandler is the Co-founder and CEO over at MemberSpace – a profitable software as a service (SaaS) company that enables entrepreneurs and organizations to turn any part of their website into members-only with just a few clicks. Ward and his partner Ryan started MemberSpace back in 2015 and it continues to grow each year. They have helped customers around the world generate 10s of millions of dollars from their members.

Prior to starting MemberSpace, Ward did website and software consulting for four years while teaching himself how to code. He helped design everything from simple websites on Squarespace to custom software applications with Ruby on Rails. Prior to consulting, Ward was at top sales account manager at Thomson Reuters selling enterprise tax software to Fortune 1000 companies He graduated with a B.S. in Business and Technology from Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey and currently resides in Philadelphia, PA.

Founders365 is hosted by business coach Steven Haggerty and shares the real stories from Founders who run inspiring and exciting companies.

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